Build capability and organisational systems for improvement
Improvement Science For Leaders (IS4L)
The NHS Quest’s Improvement Science for Leaders (IS4L) is a programme designed to develop teams to plan, lead, and deliver improvement projects that can be replicated and sustained. The programme’s architecture is grounded in shared learning that recognises the skills and expertise of both the participants and the programme faculty, embodying the spirit of ‘all teach, all learn.’
Teams are typically led by a senior clinician or health care manager and consist of 5 to 8 people. Over the course of the programme each team comes virtually together to join the taught element of the 12 month development programme. The programme has been revised to reflect the current context and the challenges facing the NHS. We have designed a programme allowing participants to work as teams and use their peer networking opportunities to innovate and improve care within their organisations. The programme is delivered using 9 virtual workshops accompanied by a series of coaching sessions.
Course content
Lesson Workshop X Lesson type: Event
Lesson IS4L - Workshop 2 (15.12.21) Lesson type: Event
This workshop will take you through the diagnostic phase of your improvement journey. In this session, we will explore the issues that led you to start an improvement project using QI tools such a...